Main Gods: What Do They Look Like?

Amaterasu Omikami: Principal Japanese deity who is the ruler of the gods and universe. She is the goddess of the sun, the Great Goddess or Mother Goddess who is responsible for fertility.

Izanami no Mikoto (she who Invites) and Izanagi No Mikoto (he who invites) are the two deities responsible for creating the first land mass. They were both siblings and spouses, and produced several children, including the eight babies who made up Japan, and several other deities.

  Tsukiyomi: the good of the moon whose brilliance and beauty were almost as great as Amaterasu’s. He is the son of Izanami and Izanagi, and married his sister Amaterasu, with whom the universe he ruled.

Susano-o-no-Mikoto: Son of Izanami and Izanagi. He was bad-tempered and enjoyed causing chaos, which eventually led to him being stripped of his power to rule the earth and being banished to rule the netherland.

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