Ten English Words Derived from Japanese

1.Karaoke: カラオケ or "empty orchestra"

 2.Origami:折り紙 from "ori" meaning folding and "kami" meaning paper

 3.Tycoon:大君 "great prince" or "high commander",later applied to wealthy business leaders

 4.Koi: 鯉 In Western usage, this japanese word is used to talk about ornamental varieties of the common carp, while in japanese it just means carp

 5.Tsunami:津波 means "harbour wave"; a large wave caused by earthquakes or other underwater disturbances.

6.Futon: 布団 a flat mattress with a fabric exterior stuffed with cotton, wool, or synthetic batting that makes up a Japanese bed

 7.Tofu:豆腐 bean curd

 8.Karate:空手 literally means "empty handed" because it is a fighting style which includes the use of hands and feet to strike the opponent, without any weapon

 9.Sudoko:数独 single number from "su"number and "doku" meaning single

 10.Honcho:班長 squad leader, from "han" squad and "chō" head, chief

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