Places of Worship

Shrines are the places of worship for Shintoism. The shrines are used as an establishment to keep a few kamies, or spirits. 

First there were temporary shrines that were used for a specific event or purpose, such as a rituals. These would be composed of wood or mounds of mud. When Buddhism was introduced into Japan, the shrines became modeling the design of Buddhist temples. With this new influence, the shrines became less basic and more elaborate. Metal began to be used, but generally, wood is the most common product used to constuct these shrines. The roofs are curved and have an ornamental design. 

Shrines can be found near caves, waterfalls, gardens and other parts of nature. Due to the location in nature, the rituals were completed outside, using water, flora and fauna. The rituals stressed the harmony between the spirits, nature and man.

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